
Important Reasons To Hire A Lawyer For Your Upcoming FMLA Law Case

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When you own a business, you may try to be as fair and reasonable as possible with all of your employees’ requests. You may especially try to honor the requests of workers who want or need to take personal time off for family issues. However, you are also bound by certain laws that can dictate how long workers can take off and under what circumstances. You may defend yourself and your business against false allegations and wrongful lawsuits when you hire an experienced attorney to handle your FMLA law case.…

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Roles Of An Employment Lawyer In Your Organization

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Employment law constitutes a wide spectrum of laws aimed at regulating the employer-employee relationship. Through ensuring equality and nondiscrimination in the workplace, worker’s safety, and observing minimum wage and child labor laws, employment law institutes safeguards to ensure workers have the best conditions to work and earn a living. Thus, employees with an employment dispute should retain an employment lawyer for effective representation. Employment lawyers are experienced in employment disputes and improve chances of success.…

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Gender Discrimination Attorney

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Working in a busy office or interacting with professionals at a local business can feel routine. Most people simply are not expecting problematic situations involving discrimination while out in public. Knowing what to do in discrimination cases is not always easy. It is difficult for most people to keep up with current laws that apply when discrimination has occurred. Here are a few tips for hiring a gender discrimination attorney. …

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Trading Overseas? Why You Should Hire An Attorney

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Overseas and international trade is something you want to consider in order to help your business grow or to keep production going with the best financial impact on your business. Trade is done to allow international goods or services to be used in other areas and can be quite beneficial to you. However, when it comes to choosing this type of endeavor for your business, you want to make sure you are doing things correctly, especially when it comes to trade laws.…

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3 Reasons Why Wrongful Termination Is A Big Deal

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Being fired from a job is never fun. If you have been wrongfully terminated, it is important to understand that the situation is a big deal. Even though you might be tempted to just brush it off and move on with your life, you may want to work with a wrongful termination attorney. After all, being wrongfully terminated truly is a big deal for these reasons and more. 1. It Can Put You in a Bad Financial Situation…

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3 Reasons You Need A Living Trust As A Business Owner

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If you own a successful business and do not yet have a living trust set up, you could be putting your estate at risk. When you die, the government will come calling and Uncle Sam could end up taking a significant chunk out of your family’s inheritance if you did not talk to a lawyer before you passed. Here are three reasons why every business owner should set up a living trust.…

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2 Terrible Things That May Happen If A Business Owner Dies Without A Will

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By making out a will, you will be, indeed, standing up for your own free will. A final will and testament gives you the power to say how your business may be run and how material things will be distributed in the event of your death. It also states things like who will have custody of any children you have who are under the age of 18. If you don’t have a will, it can wreak havoc for your loved ones, and they can be left out in the cold without the things you would want them to have.…

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Taking A Look At The Biggest Mistakes Inventors Make When Filing A Patent Without An Attorney

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You have your new product developed and ready to go, so filing your patent is your next steps as an inventor. While there is nothing saying that you have to hire a patent attorney before you file for a patent on your new invention, in a lot of cases, it will be in your best interest to do so. Filing for a patent can turn out to be a much more complicated process than many inventors realize.…

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Wondering How To Pass Your Business To Your Children? How To Plan

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If have grown your family business and your children are at an age where they can work for you, and that they are interested in taking over the business, you’ll have to start figuring out how you want to do your succession. Sitting down with a legal professional can help you determine how to sort things out. Here are a few things you want to ask your lawyer about. Gift or Sell Shares…

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Understanding Holographic Will Basics

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While most wills are written by an attorney and then signed in front of witnesses, that isn’t the only option available to you. In fact, many states allow for what’s known as a holographic will. It’s handwritten and signed only by you, the author. The holographic will is usually permitted as part of legacy laws from the time before computers became mainstream and most every will was jotted down at the kitchen table.…

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